Dr. Ana M. Rodriguez, Clinical Psychologist, Child Parent Psychotherapy provider and professional trainer.

Dr. Ana M. Rodriguez


Ana M. Rodriguez Ph.D. is a bilingual licensed clinical psychologist and owner of The Self-Care Practice, PLLC in New York where she works with dozens of mental health agencies as a nationally certified trainer in Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP).  She is also a master trainer in Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention (CFTSI) with the Yale Child Study Center and is on the board of the New York Zero-to-Three Network (NYZTT).

Her psychotherapy practice and clinical supervision has specialized in work with children and families who have been traumatized by interpersonal violence, including domestic violence, childhood sexual and physical abuse. She has been providing trauma-focused treatment to traumatized crime victims and families in New York City for over 15 years.  In addition to child trauma, her practice has included addressing the needs of complexly traumatized adults and battered women. She also presents locally on topics such as the impact of trauma on young children, addressing vicarious trauma, and self-care.

She is the former Clinical Director of Trauma Training at New York Center for Child Development (NYCCD) where she continues to consult and train. During her time at NYCCD, she provided treatment, consultation, supervision and professional development training. In addition, Dr. Rodriguez was the Clinical Director of a three year OCFS Block Grant targeting Family Child Care Providers in NYC in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy. Previously, Dr. Rodriguez was the Clinical Director of the Safe Horizon Counseling Center, the only New York State licensed mental health clinic focusing exclusively on trauma-focused treatment for survivors of abuse across the lifespan.

Professional Licenses and Certificates


Licensed Psychologist, New York State License Number: 019128  

Provisionally Certified Zero to Three DC:0‐5™ Trainer 2018

Certified Training in Incredible Years (IY) Incredible Beginnings Program 2015

Certified Master Trainer, Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention (CFTSI) 2015

Endorsed National Trainer, Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) 2011


Testimonials for Dr. Rodriguez’s Professional Trainings

Dr. Ana M. Rodriguez, Ph.D. takes a question during a CPP training collaborative in New York City

Dr. Ana M. Rodriguez, Ph.D. takes a question during a CPP training collaborative in New York City